Q: I’ve departed a patient by mistake, how can I re-instate the patient to the ward?

A: From the discharged patient’s report, right click, select departed in error. 

Q: How do I view a list of patients with a missing outcome following an outpatient appointment?

A: Appointments menu> Unrecorded Outcomes. 

Q: From the patient record, how can I see which ward the patient is located?

A: The current location shows in the demographics box. 

Q: My patient has a TCI for today and on some computers I can see it, but not on mine. Why? 

A: On the ward view, click the cog at the top and tick – Show TCI patients. 

Q: After registering a patient, the referral box isn’t appearing. How do I get this to pop up?

A: Org Preferences> Secondary Care> Misc> Automatically pop up the referral in dialog on registrations. 

Q: How do you automate the system to add an assessment (NEWS2) to a patient upon transfer to a ward?

A: Workflow Support Engine. Or this can be configured within location management> select the ward> Eobs tab> Select the default scheduled obs on admission or transfer to this location. 

Q: How can I remove a patient from a bed? 

A: Inpatient Overview> Beds tab. Right click on the patient> select remove patient from bed. 

Q: I work as both a HCA and registration clerk, do I need separate logins?

A: You can use the same log on details but be added with two roles and two sets of access rights. 

Q: How do I adjust the column layout on the inpatient overview or waiting list screens? 

A: Right click on the table> Select table> Configure columns. 

Q: Some options are not available when right clicking on a patient from the Ward View/ Inpatient Overview or the A&E overview, Why?

A: Right click options are configured in Organisation Preferences> Secondary Care> Available Actions